SMO- Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization services enable you to build your brand, reach potential customers and engage existing customers. We focus on external as well as internal brand communication. Internal communications are generally ignored; however we understand the importance of customer as well as employee engagement with the brand. Hence our social media programs are focused on internal as well as external brand management.

Today marketing has become much more complicated due to ever-changing matrices of channels and technologies. Your customers could be present anywhere, flocking to blogs, social media networks and online communities. Social Media has become an integral part of digital marketing and social media sites like Face book, You Tube, and Twitter have huge traffic businesses can leverage. Buying decisions are no longer based on traditional media like print advertisement and television rather they are heavily dependent on the word of mouth promotions, referrals and recommendations. All these channels are utilized very efficiently in social media. We develop strategic social media campaigns to spread awareness and positive conversations regarding your business, products and services organically.

The key campaign elements include

  1. Strategy Development
  2. Idea Generation and Planning
  3. Increase traffic to your website
  4. Manage your brand
  5. Target your audience
  6. Promotion and Amplification
  7. Measurement and Reporting